Category: Data privacy

Safe harbour - Ntic

Safe Harbor Framework invalidation : recommendations for Switzerland

I.  Introduction

In a decision dated October 6th, 2015, (Case Max Schrems vs Facebook) the European Union Court of Justice invalidated the Safe Harbor Framework, which had permitted U.S. companies to comply with EU restrictions on the transfer of personal data outside the EU.  As a non EU country, Switzerland concluded the “US-Swiss Safe Harbor Framework” (“Swiss SHF”) which is the equivalent to EU safe Harbor.… Plus...

Google Glass

Google Glass : pros or cons ?

Google Glass is very popular but do not receive general agreement. However this gadget has an incredible industrial value and some revolutionary concepts of use (e.g : e-Health, human interaction in other languages, etc.). However, it is, and will remain a cause of concern for consumer protection and privacy.

This article is intended for taking stock of the actual knowledge through  Internet media and the legal situation in several countries that already initiated preventive prohibitions (like USA, UK, France).Plus...